Imola SBK is cooler with ECO Refresh
24/09/2009. Another successful strike for ECO Refresh!
GL...[ Read News...]

GL Finishing offers active technical service, with periodic visits programmed by its specialised operators for proper operation on-site monitoring. Manufacturers are well aware of production line costs so breakdown prevention becomes all- important, and GL Finishing offers high professional level service in this very field.

Convenient annually programmed equipment maintenance contracts can be underwritten to ensure continued plant efficiency, cut component wear risks and cut extraordinary maintenance costs. Our after-sales service is directed in particular to Customers who plan production line maintenance management to ensure accurate ordinary checks to prevent costs ensuing from sudden production breakdowns.

We are equipped to perform all necessary internal and external repair jobs to better satisfy and specific need and our Service Centre is part of the International Technical Service Networks of our main Vendors, which enables us to offer Customers adequate service support even in the event of equipment physically located outside the country: in this case you will be contacted by a structure similar to ours and as close as possible to the equipment location.

GL Finishing S.r.l.
Via dei Fonditori, 10b | 41100 Modena
t. +39 059 289911 | f. +39 059 284615
P.Iva e CF 01852620366
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