Big discount on ECO Refresh!
It is a great pleasure for us to share the wave of success ridden by the event which we actively supported in occasion of the Concorso Ippico Internazionale Città di Modena. We, as Eco Refresh, are especially glad to know that we have had groundbreaking impact on the way horses felt in the sultry weather of Modena’s wonderful frame of Parco Ferrari.


If animals could speak, they would be the first to state how much Eco Refresh has helped them feel comfortable and improved their performance thanks to temperature reduction in a completely eco-friendly and natural way.  


Eco Refresh, a brand new revolution, eco-friendly and natural. We are proud and glad to offer it at a special price (20% discount) in order to give factual support to the statements of Italy’s State Secretary for Health Francesca Martini on the forthcoming laws on protection of horses (see newspaper “Libero”, July 31st and August 14th 2009).


Eco Refresh means: rapid and non-invasive installation, and extremely low water and energy consumption. The system is effective against flies, mosquitoes and insects in general; furthermore, it reduces dust and smell.


Feel free to call us to have more information on the chance to install Eco Refresh with a 20% discount.



0039 059 289911


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GL Finishing S.r.l. | Via dei Fonditori, 10b | 41122 Modena | t. +39 059 289911 | f. +39 059 284615 | P.Iva e CF 01852620366 |         Web Design ©