Rinco Noleggi and ECO Refresh together at La Bagnaia 2009
One of the most important events of the equestrian world has started on 16th September 2009: the Campionato Italiano Assoluto di Salto Ostacoli. The horse show, which lasts until Sunday, 20th, takes place for the 4th time in the impressive framework of Borgo di Bagnaia (SI).
Unlike the previous editions, the 2009 edition sees the joint appearance of Rinco Noleggi and ECO Refresh. The company, leader in horse stabling, has indeed made its choice: to install ECO Refresh inside the 200 boxes of the Bagnaia’s stable.
All this for the well-being of the horses… and of their rider!


Good luck to everybody!






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GL...[ Read News...]
Big discount on ECO Refresh!
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The success of ECO Refresh at MotoGP Misano 2009
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ECO Refresh at MotoGP Misano 2009
From the horses’s speed ECO Refresh lands on the field of horsepowers, those of MotoGP Misano 2009.[ Read News...]
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